(PICTURES) DEVCOMS, NURHI train Social Media Influencers, Bloggers on Effective Family Planning Projection
Development Communications Network, DEVCOMS, and Nigerian Urban Reproductive Health Initiative, NURHI, recently trained social media influencers and bloggers on the need for family planning adoption in Nigeria.
The training is aimed to help project the family planning opportunities and adoption to the populace through popular social media platforms and blogs.
Held in Lagos, Ibadan and Kaduna, the two-day trainning hosted participants from Moji Delano of MojiDelanoBlog, Ali Alfa of MyLekki.com, Badejoko Michael of YabaLeftOnline.com, Oluderu Faruq of XclusiveHit, Filani Kemisola of KemiFilaniBLog and facilitators from NURHI.
Here are the pictures from the trainings: