Africa Region SBCC Consultation Programme Overview - March 22-23, 2022 - Webinar

Event/Training Summary:
The Consultation seeks to:
- Build a strong momentum from Africa for the 2022 global SBCC Summit;
- Explore Africa-specific SBCC issues and identify concrete solutions to advance the field/discipline in the region; and,
- Engage SBCC experts beyond public health - e.g. humanitarian, environment/climate activists, and public policy more intentionally.
- Theme for Day 1: 22 March - SBCC and Climate Action in Africa: Unleashing Transformative Change!
- Theme for Day 2: 23 March - SBCC Training and Practice in Africa: Lessons and Future Directions
Day 1- SBCC and Climate Action
10.00 – 10.15 (SAST)
Welcome and Opening Remarks (Adebayo Fayoyin)
10.15 – 11.30
Session 1 – Case studies and conversation starters on the use of digital activism, community radio and film to promote climate action
Moderator: Mamoud Tarawallie (BBC Media Sierra Leone, Country Director)
For each of the case studies, presenters will be limited to 10 minutes, followed by an additional 5 minutes Q&A. The conversation starter will include 7 minutes for presentation and 8 minutes for discussion/debate. The session will conclude with a 30 minute moderated discussion.
Digital activism as a transformative advocate for tackling climate change in Africa
Presenter: Dennis Danson Oketch
Country/Region: Kenya
Format: Case study
Theme: Mass media, social media and digital activism for climate change
Threat though it is, climate change remains a delicate global topic chiefly driven by the West, disparaged and unprioritized by most of Africa. Though some African countries have ratified climate change policy frameworks, some challenges including insufficient public awareness hinder their full implementation. The global social media revolution has given many governments an opportunity for rapid, real-time and interactive communication with their citizens, enabling the sharing and exchange of opinions. Affordable and equipped with its army of influencers and multi-app ability, social media has emerged as a powerful social catalyst able to build reputation, undertake mass sensitization and even depose governments as illustrated during the Arab Spring. This podia, considered very powerful, presents an opportunity for continental advancement of the climate change discourse necessary to retard or slow down the rate of climate change as never seen before. If not prudently used to expand climate change advocacy, perception change and awareness, environmental conservation will take longer and come at a higher cost. This conversation will seek to:
- define the potential of social media in advancing development communication and public policy;
- investigate its impact on public awareness or education; and,
- identify tactics that can be employed to harness and exploit social media's diverse talents and attributes to advocate for climate change awareness and responsible containment strategies.
Methodologically, from establishing the power of social media in public and private space, this conversation will seek to establish if much has been done on climate change advocacy in Africa using social media and what still needs to be done to address the impending doom that is promised if environmental conservation is not observed.
The use of community radio to promote adoption of Climate Smart farming technologies among smallholder farmers in Kenya. The case of Migori County
Presenter: Enock Mac'Ouma
Country/Region: Kenya
Format: Case study
Theme: Mass media, social media and digital activism for climate change
Poverty, hunger and malnutrition have persisted in Migori, Kenya with a population of 1,116,436 (KNBS, 2019). Even though smallholder farming is the main source of livelihood and food, yield per acre for staple crops such as maize, beans and sorghum have continued to dwindle, making it difficult to address poverty, hunger and malnutrition. This situation has been made worse by the effects of Climate Change, as flash floods, long rains, drought and other weather uncertainties continue to ravage the region. Through sustained research and innovation efforts, several Climate Smart farming technologies are available for adoption. However, access to these technologies and how to apply them are limited due to ineffective technology transfer mechanisms. The broad objective of the project is to trigger reforms in the transfer of Climate Smart farming technologies to smallholder farmers in Migori, Kenya. A qualitative research methodology involving interviews and Focus Group Discussions with key stakeholders in the agricultural sector and community radio broadcasting will be used to generate research data. Findings will contribute new insights into the study of community radio in rural development, with specific focus on transfer of Climate Smart farming technologies. Recommendations arising from this work also carry the potential to influence policy and trigger reforms in the area of Climate Smart farming technologies transfer among smallholder farmers in Migori, Kenya.
Climate Change in Movies: Mirrored Reflections of Citizens Role
Presenter: Ifedolapo Ademosu
Country/Region: Nigeria
Format: Conversation starter
Theme: Creative and cultural industries in climate change communication and mobilisation
Global and regional commitments such as the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, and constant communication on the issue, have not slowed down climate change effects on the social, economic, political and health of humans. As such, Nigeria has not been exempted from some of the effects, ranging from excessive flooding, desertification, changing weather patterns, and the most violent conflict over resource control across the Sahel region. As most of these changes have been ascribed to an imbalance in human activities and use of nature's resources, citizens have a role to play in addressing some of the symptoms that have become full-blown effects countries are grappling with. Nigeria according to the 2021 PriceWaterCooperHouse's (PwC) report, is confronted by several environmental issues like pollution, flooding, including climate change; and one of the major reasons it continues to pose a problem is because of the low level of awareness that there are issues, and their part as citizens in addressing these issues. Humanity can make sense of their role in the climate change agenda to save the planet through media representations of humanity's relationship with the environment. It is not just about their relationship but about the connection they have with that environment. Increasingly, films are being used to show audiences the massive impact climate change can have on human lives and the environment. But, more importantly, they are being used to build emotional bridges between audiences and the environment for the purpose of inspiring change. Nigerians love movies based on the sales of major box office movies, and views of Netflix movies. This study therefore explores audiences’ views of the environment as presented in Nigerian films, and the possible value they extract about their role in protecting the environment.
Moderated Discussion
Participants and presenters will be invited to reflect on the three presentations and the lessons/opportunities they raise.
10-minute comfort break
11.40 – 12.40
Session 2. Panel Discussion
Moderator: Mpundu Mwanza
A Weather Forecaster and a Journalist Walked into a Bar...
Convener: Soren Johannsen
Country/Region: Zambia
Format: Panel discussion
Theme: Socially inclusive and rights-based climate action
What can Zambia learn from East Africa's Weather WISE project to support people in Zambia and the region to adapt to climate change? Climate change is impacting people across Zambia through unpredictable rain patterns and increased instances of drought leading to greater food insecurity. To help cope and adapt, they need information, inspiration, and a platform to discuss ideas and hold decision-makers to account. Zambia hosts a vibrant radio culture, which offers untapped potential to support audiences across the country to deal with the issues that are exacerbated by climate change. BBC Media Action already works with 30+ FM stations across the country to produce interactive, engaging programmes, which respond to community needs on a variety of topics. In East Africa, BBC Media Action has been supporting local media and climate scientists to build relationships and develop engaging, practical programming for audiences most affected by climate change. This session will host an informal 'on-the-sofa' style conversation with experienced stakeholders from BBC Media Action's 'Weather Wise' project alongside stakeholders from Zambia who will hear about their learning, ask questions, and discuss what might be relevant to Zambia. The session will allow ample time for session participants to ask questions and contribute their experiences.
Speakers will include:
From East Africa
- David Njuguna - BBC Media Action media trainer and mentor (supported stations across East Africa to develop and deliver climate-related programming)
- Diana Njeru - Project Director who will bring in the experience of working with the climate scientists from the Kenyan Met Office
From Zambia
- Mcpherson Mukuka - ZNBC
- Patricia Sinyangwe - BBC Media Action media trainer (supports media outlets from across Zambia to develop engaging programming)
Participants will be inspired by how media and climate scientists can work together to create conversations with communities on how to successfully adapt to and cope with climate change.
10-minute comfort break
12.50 – 13.05
Session 3. Final conversation
Moderator: Mpundu Mwanza
SRHR, Gender and Climate Adaptation
Presenter: Chiagozi Udeh
Country/Region: East African Countries
Format: Conversation starter
Theme: Socially inclusive and rights-based climate action
SRHR is essential for building resilience and adaptive capacity for climate change. Climate action must include efforts at achieving SRHR and account for the challenges of preventable maternal deaths, unmet need for family planning, and work to end gender-based violence and other harmful practices.
Recently, the UNFPA launched its 'value proposition' outlining the programmatic actions on climate change and building staff capacity to integrate climate change components across all work. It puts forward a programmatic framework with four pillars connecting the promise of the International Conference for Population and Development (ICPD25) and the achievement of climate change adaptation and resilience.
In July 2021, UNFPA launched its study done with Queen Mary University London on "Integrating SRHR into National Climate Policies: A Review of 50 NDCs" that reviewed how an ICPD-based approach is reflected in the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) showing that six out of the 50 NDCs included references to aspects of SRHR, but there is scope for greater and more meaningful inclusion of the full range of SRHR.
UNFPA is interested in presenting its Value Proposition to show the 4 key pillars through which programmatic work on gender and SRHR in climate change can be addressed. It will also incorporate highlights of the review of SRHR in NDC
13.05 – 13.30 Closing remarks for Day 1 (Ana Carrapichano, Mediology)
Day 2 - SBCC Training & Practice in Africa: Lessons and Future Directions
10.00-10.15 Opening (Prof. Emmanuel Ngwainmbi, University of North Carolina, USA)
Panel 1. Outcome of National SBCC webinars: Insights for 2022 SBCC Summit
This session will discuss reports of national webinars and highlight critical issues for regional and global discourse.
- Malawi – Joel Zuzi, Family Health International, Malawi
- South Africa – Janine Simon Meyer, UNICEF, South Africa
- Nigeria – Akin Jimoh, Devcoms Network, Nigeria
Question and Answer 20 minutes
10 minute comfort break
Panel 2. SBCC training and education in Africa: Practices, Lessons and Future Directions
In this session, speakers will reflect on SBCC training and education in their specific domains, regions or countries. The presentations will discuss; (1) Types and approaches of training/education (2) What is working or not working and why; and (3) Recommendations to enhance SBCC field/discipline in Africa.
- Mr. Parys Kouta, Founder Africa Centre for Capacity Building on Communication for Sustainable Development, Dakar, Senegal
- Prof. Oluyinka Esan, School of Media and Communication, Caleb University, Nigeria
- Dr. Silas Oriaso University of Nairobi, Kenya
- Dr. Sara Nieuwoudt, Wits School of Public Health, Johannesburg, South Africa
Question and Answer 20 minutes
Insights and synthesis from the sessions – Lusizi Kambalame University of Malawi (10 minutes)
Registration Information: